Friday, April 23, 2010

New Hardware

New hardware isn’t hard to come by these days. I just so happen to be a big fan of hardware, and try very hard to stay on top of what’s new and bleeding edge. One of the biggest releases lately is the Fermi line of nVidia Graphic Cards. Most businesses will wonder what a Graphics card has to offer, and in most cases it tends to be very little. TH2 Technologies just so happens to deal with several dental offices though and they use High-Res images to show patients their teeth or to even create 3D models of their mouths. Graphics cards are used to display the images and models on high definition screens for their clients, and they need to look good. A graphics card is the only way to accomplish this. One of our doctors has a computer hooked up to 2 monitors and a 47” 1080p flat screen.

Another thing that a graphics card can provide is video acceleration in programs like Adobe’s Creative Suite. CS5 is designed to make use of all Quadro FX and the GTX 285 series cards and helps easily integrate project files from After Effects and Photoshop into Premiere Pro and edit in real-time, even while applying more than three layers. The Quadro series allows people who use AutoCAD to work faster and improve productivity.

To see if a graphics card can be an easy way to increase performance with your office applications, call TH2 Technologies. We can evaluate effective ways to leverage new technology for better productivity for a small investment.


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