Friday, August 19, 2011

SEO Myths & Misconceptions: What's Important On A Website

There a lot of myths and misconceptions surrounding Orange County search engine optimization. The origins of these myths and misconceptions usually stem from a vast misunderstanding of how SEO works and then spread like wildfire from person to person. One of the most common misconceptions regarding search engine optimization deals with what's most important on a website.

Some people will tell you that its images while others will tell you it's keywords strategically placed throughout each page. While keywords and images are definitely important in Orange County search engine optimization, the most important thing a website can have is strong content. Search engines may find a website based on its keywords and its meta information but it's the content that allows it to actually be indexed and ranked. Websites that try to subvert this method and place keywords throughout their website and in their meta information that have nothing to do with the actual content of the website will not be ranked.

SEO professionals often tell their clients or persons interested in their services that "content is king" which is 100% true of every website and every search engine. All the keywords in the world don't matter if the content on a website isn't strong or is misleading in some fashion. Things like pictures, flash movies, and other types of calls to action are a must when optimizing a website for search engines however they're all secondary.

Should you have any questions about the importance of content on a website or about SEO services please don't hesitate to contact us so that we may be of assistance!

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