Thursday, April 25, 2013

New Services Continued

Last week, I posted about our new Hosted Exchange solution, and if you missed it, you can look HERE. To sum it up, we're offering a better solution that has higher availability than what we are able to offer on our own. In addition to that, I mentioned the flexibility of the service. No one has really asked what that means, but I figured I'd go ahead and talk about it anyway. It's a great question to ask, 'How can a hosted Exchange platform be flexible at all?' It's a good question because on it's own, hosted Exchange isn't any more or less flexible than an onsite implementation, or one hosted with someone else. Where the flexibility comes in is in regards to integration to other online services. The hosted Exchange accounts can and do integrate with several hosted offerings, these include SharePoint, Lync, Office Web Apps, Desktop Office Rights, and Project Online. There are some others that will be far less popular, like SQL database hosting, Azure, and Intune.

What this means to our customers is that if some of you want SharePoint later, we can integrate it into your current offering. That means one account, one console, one point of access, and one bill for all your collaboration and email services. What's more is we can add services on a per user basis. If you have 30 people, but only 10 will use SharePoint, we'll sign you up for 10 licences of SharePoint. The other users won't be presented with the option to access it or asked to upgrade. It's just business as usual for everyone else. The same goes for users that need additional mailbox space or advanced mailbox features like litigation hold or archiving. You can have a few users with these features and the rest of the office on the less expensive option. Finally, if you want to licence Office 2013 through us, we can offer that on a monthly basis as well! This allows your company a lot of flexibility in how to provide any and all services to whatever segments of your user base that you want, without having to deploy or maintain a SharePoint or Lync server for just a few users.

While these are great options, the truth is most of you probably won't really find a good reason to use them right away. That being said, why not sign up for a platform that is both cost competitive and offers these features on demand later down the line? These features aren't going anywhere, but your business is! When your growth finds your needs becoming more diverse, it's as easy as a call to us get that going.

Should you have any questions regarding the services offered by TH2 Technologies please be sure to contact them for further information.

TH2 specializes in Orange County IT SupportOrange County IT Services and Orange County Computer Support.

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