Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Next Business Revolution: Managed Mobile Devices

Years ago computers and the Internet completely revolutionized business. They both changed how we work, how information is stored, and even where we could work from. As technology continues to become more efficient the business world too becomes more efficient and more productive than ever has been. At the turn of the millennium it was the broadband revolution and in the 2000's automated networking was the next big thing. Here in the early part of this new decade mobile devices are once again changing the way we do business and making our lives and jobs far more efficient than they once were.

In the last couple of years businesses have began incorporating mobile devices into their networks and business infrastructures. No longer are managers, owners, or even your average employee cutoff from the office or their supervisors once their shift is done. Additionally mobile devices give employees the ability to pull company information while away from the office and even to work from home or on the road should they travel for business. Mobile devices are true blessing to businesses and their employees however there are a great number of risks involved when utilizing mobile devices in business. First and foremost any company data that can be accessed through or stored on a mobile device can be stolen or corrupted which in turn can damage a company, its clients, and its employees.

While business owners and even managers will undoubtedly get excited at the prospect of implementing a mobile device program they must always remember to put security first. This is especially true if a business allows its employees to utilize their own personal devices to access company information or deal with employees. Disgruntled employees, unscrupulous individuals, and just plain miscreants are always watching and testing networks for vulnerabilities. As incorporating smart devices into business is fairly new this is often a favorite target of these types of people.
 Business owners and managers needn't worry however as many computer contractors/services now offer some form of managed mobile protection. These types of services allow business executives and managers to remotely wipe data from lost devices, block unknown or unwanted mobile devices from a network, mobile device tracking via GPS, easy provisioning, and in many cases the warranty. Some computer professionals will include additional services under their managed mobile umbrella though the service tends to vary from contractor.

By minimizing the company's exposure to risk and protecting important data businesses can safely implement the usage of mobile devices without any worry. They can sit back and enjoy the multitude of benefits that mobile business brings with it. Those business owners and managers interested in managed mobile services strictly for productivity reasons will be happy to know that the majority of these services configure smart devices and networks so that productivity is maximized. Things like bugs, viruses, login problems and lag are virtually nonexistent using a managed mobile service.

Th2 Tech specializes in IT support, Managed Mobile and Cloud services.

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